Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fancy Coffee Candies

I love how these little ones turned out.  They remind me of a package of coffee candies I received as a child.  I felt very grown up since they were made of coffee which only adults were allowed to drink. Each candy was wrapped first in a piece of pastel-colored foil and then in cellophane with a lace design.  I remember saving each piece of foil and lacy wrapper.  I couldn't remember seeing anything so pretty before. 

Sitting on my hand is one of my favorite ways of photographing my dolls.  Although I describe them as miniature you get a real sense here of how tiny my little ones really are.  

Although I love all three, I'm partial to the redhead in the pink dress with the scallop design.  Developing a special technique for printing on cloth flower petals has opened so many creative opportunities for the kinds of dolls I can now create.  Exciting.

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